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GG Questions:
A Tale of Two Marriages: Joseph and Mary
Luke 1:26-56; 2:1-21
1. Contrary to Expectations: How would you design the advent (coming) of the Son of God into the world He
created? Think according to worldly standards of greatness (superbowl halftime show, the oscars, presidential
inauguration). How did God decide to do it? Why Mary and Joseph (Luke 1:26-31)? Why a manger (2:7)?
Why announce it to shepherds (2:8-9)?
2. Angels We Have Heard on High: Angels play a large part in the Christmas story (just try counting all the
angelic appearances!). Did you know that angels get just as excited about this season as we do?! According
to Luke, they sing Christmas songs too. Read and reflect on Luke 2:13-14 and then on Luke 15:10 and 1
Peter 1:12. What excites angels so much about Christmas that they just have to sing about it?
3. What We Have Planned: God has a funny habit of interrupting our ‘perfect’ plans. The young couple in the first
chapters of the gospels were planning their wedding when God, through His Spirit and angels, interrupted…
What were the first words the angels said both Joseph (Matt. 1:20) and Mary (Luke 1:30)? Why are these
words so necessary when our plans change? After these words, how did Joseph (Matt. 1:24) and Mary (Luke
1:38) respond to the angels’ news? Is God interrupting your plans today? Have you ever experienced God’s
blessing after embracing His interruptions?
4. The Impossible: What the angels told Joseph and Mary was impossible (Luke 1:36-37). In the words of Mary,
“How will this be, since I am a virgin?” And yet, our response to the (sometimes impossible) words of God is to
BELIEVE (1:20, 45). Compare Mary’s response (1:34) to the angel’s news to Gabriel’s response (1:18). Why
did they elicit such different reactions from Gabriel (1:19-20, 35-37)? What ‘impossible’ thing is God asking
you to believe this Christmas?