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Questions Week 6, 12/3
Freed to Serve: What have you done for me lately? Exodus 15:22-17:7
1. Grumbling: Scan through Exodus 15:22-24 and 16:2-12 looking for Israel’s ‘grumbling’. What was God’s plan (Deut. 8:4; 29:5) for taking care of Israel and what was Israel’s plan for taking care of themselves (Exod. 16:3)? Why are our human natures so quick to forget God’s promises and blessings and fixate on our own problems? What do you forget and where do you fixate?
2. Obedience = Life: Two back to back stories - about Israel’s water (15:25-26) and Israel’s bread (16:4) - teach that God’s law is the source of life (Deut. 30:15-16, 19). Explore this idea further in Deuteronomy 8:2-3 and ponder how it radically reforms our understanding of the words ‘law, rule, and commandment’ (cf. Matt. 4:1-4).
3. Bread from Heaven: Following up on question #2, read all of John 6, where Jesus explains how He is the true manna that came down from heaven. Notice, again, the inseparable connection between this ‘bread from heaven’ and LIFE (John 6:27, 33, 47-51, 53-54, 57-58). What richness does this add to your celebration of the Lord’s Supper? What should you be thinking of every time you partake of the bread and the cup?
4. Test the Lord: Hebrews 3:7-9 makes a connection between ‘testing the Lord’ (as Israel did in Exod. 17:2, 7) and ‘hardening your heart’. What does it mean to put the Lord to the test? How is this like Pharaoh’s hardening of his own heart? And how can we avoid that attitude (Heb. 3:12-13)?