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2) GG Questions
Doing Life with Jesus: Getting Serious
Luke 10
1. Close Reading : After praying for God to enlighten your mind, skim through Luke 10. Look for these three
things: LIGHTBULB – something that shines from the passage, draws your attention ; QUESTION MARK –
something difficult to understand ; ARROW – a personal application . Share the results of your study with your
2. The Seventy-Two (10:1-24) : A major purpose of the gospels is to record not only what Jesus said and did, but
how the world responded to Jesus’ words and deeds. For the second chapter in a row, this response is
solicited by Jesus’ disciples, first 12 now 72. What positive (Luke 10:17-20) and not so positive (10:13-16)
responses did the crowds have toward Jesus and His disciples? Recall various responses to the gospel you
have witnessed (or exhibited yourself) in light of Jesus’ reassuring words in Luke 10:21-22.
3. Good Samaritan (10:25-37) : One key to understanding the Parable of the Good Samaritan is to recognize to
whom Jesus tells the parable (Luke 10:21). Describe this “lawyer.” What were his motives in talking to Jesus
(10:25, 29). Jesus doesn’t answer the lawyer’s question, “Who is my neighbor?” but rather flips it on its head
(10:36). How? If Jesus were telling this same parable today, who would the characters be?
4. Mary and Martha (10:38-42) : If the Good Samaritan story demonstrates the second commandment – how you
love your neighbor , the Mary and Martha story demonstrates the first commandment – how you love God .
What words does Luke use to describe Martha (10:40-41)? Has your service for the church ever felt that way?
What do you think Jesus meant by the “one thing” Mary chose instead? If possible, agree as a group on a
short statement of the “one thing” you will endeavor to choose as your “good portion.”