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2)GG Questions 11/18/2018
EHS 8: A Rule of Life
Acts 2:42-47
1. Vines Need a Trellis: Scazzero has observed that “Very few people have a conscious plan for developing their spiritual lives.” Instead, they go through the motions – unfocused, distracted, spiritually adrift. Have there been seasons in your walk with Christ when you felt this way? How does intentionality undermine this entropy? And what role can a ‘trellis’ play in our efforts to intentionally keep God the center of all we do?
2. Life in the Early Church: The early church had a framework of life that maintained their focus on Jesus. Read Acts 2:41-47 and 4:32-35. How would you describe this community’s ‘Rule of Life’? Describe the activities / disciplines they used to grow and mature in Christ.
3. Developing Your Own ‘Rule of Life’: Now it’s time for you to begin developing your own personal Rule of Life. Prayerfully reflecting on the example provided on pages 194-207, craft a ‘rule’ which incorporates each of Scazzero’s four categories – prayer, rest, work, relationships. Recognize that each person’s ‘rule’ will resemble their personality and stage of life and that this process is one of trial and error. Trying starting out with only one or two elements for the first month, and, remember, don’t be hard on yourself! Share your ‘rule’ with your group and help one another develop a pattern for spiritual growth which is achievable and life-giving.