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2. GG Questions
Celebration Sunday!
1. Celebration Sunday: Mitch Stoltz recently said, ‘It is such a privilege to be part of such an active church!’ He is
right! Celebration Sunday was an opportunity to do just that… celebrate! As you look over this past year and
the ministries of New Life Christian Fellowship, what excites you most? What was your highlight from
Celebration Sunday?
2. Be With: This year we as a church will give special focus to the call we learned in our series on the disciples –
Be with Jesus, be like Jesus, and do as Jesus did. The first calling on that list encourages us to find increasing
ways we can spend time with God (in word and prayer and other means). Habits play a huge part in our
pursuit to be with Jesus. What habits of spiritual formation have you found which work really well for you (and
you might share with others)? What areas do you want to target for growth in 2020?
3. Be Like: Those little WWJD bracelets can be pretty intimidating, can’t they? Be like Jesus? How can I
possibly do that? If Jesus constantly dipped into his divine attributes, then, yes, I can’t be expected to do the
same. Fortunately, as we learned recently, Jesus shared our human weaknesses (Heb. 4:15) and was equally
dependent on the Father as we are. That being said, what aspects of your character or attempts to love others
well will you try to work on this year (Phil. 1:6)? Ask those in your group for prayer and counsel (Heb. 3:13)!
4. Do As: This final call, do as Jesus did (1 John 2:6), is about action! What ministry has Jesus called you to in
2020 (bear in mind, it could be the same ministry as in 2019)? Remember, God has called us to a life of
‘serving’ Him (Deut. 11:13; Josh. 24:15; Matt. 25:21), and this service is the most fulfilling and life-giving
activity we can partake in! Where do your gifting, desires, and the church’s need align to identify that life-giving