GG Questions
Guest Speaker: Oscar Muriu
2 Corinthians 5:14-20
1. What were your thoughts and initial response to the question asked at the very beginning of Sunday’s sermon – Are the things that you are living for worth Christ’s dying for?
2. In what ways would you say your life is over-consumed with “looking out for No 1” at the expense of living a selfless life that is focused on serving God’s mission?
3. Jn 12:24 “ Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it bears much fruit… ” Which are 3 areas you need to die to self so as to live more for Christ? Consider especially – your use of your time; your use of your financial resources; and your commitment to share the gospel the gospel with others.
4. Mention was made to TV programs and movies we watch that are not glorifying to God; and to carving out time to meet with the Lord on a regular, possibly even daily basis as part of our act of devotion; how are you doing in this regard?
5. Mention was made of the following 6 things –
○ Living brave . . . means obedience, no matter the cost
○ Living brave means taking a step of faith outside your comfort zone,
○ Living brave means trusting God for the unknown,
○ Living brave means not demanding that we first know all the details and plans in full before you obey.
○ Living brave means that God doesn’t have to explain himself to you before he acts in your life, before
he commands you, or before you obey
○ Living brave means that God doesn’t have to ask you for permission before he gives you a hard
commission, because if God has to ask you for permission then he is not God!
Discuss each statement together to explore what this means for you personally; and where it’s been a struggle to live brave in this way.
6. What did you sense God was saying to you in that sermon, and how will you live it out?
7. How can we hold one another accountable and help each other walk in obedience to God?