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Fulfilling God’s Dream: Ready Steady… Wait!
Acts 1
1. Dear Most Excellent Theophilus : Back in May, New Life began a sermon series following the disciples through
the book of Luke, called Doing Life with Jesus . Now, in September, we’re following the disciples on into the
book of Acts. What is the relationship between these two books of the Bible ( see Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-2 )? On
that note, what do you think Luke meant by “all Jesus BEGAN to do and teach” (Acts 1:1)? Might it be
plausible to consider Acts (and our own lives) under the title CONTINUING Life with Jesus ?
2. Hello Acts! : Having considered Luke’s introduction to the book of Acts, take a look closer look at chapter 1.
Read through this chapter on your own. What strikes you? What confuses you? Which verses stick out to
you as probably some of the most important verses in the chapter? Why? Share your thoughts with your
group and your feelings going into this new series on Acts.
3. Famous Last Words : It shouldn’t surprise us that the most famous verse in the book of Acts coincides with
Jesus’ last words to His disciples. Read ( and consider memorizing! ) Acts 1:8. Consider the word “witness.”
What is a witness? What are Jesus’ disciples witness to (1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 10:40-41; 13:30-31), and how does
this help clarify your commission as a witness?
4. The Times and Seasons : “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6; cf. Luke 2:25, 38;
24:21; Mark 15:43). What an odd question… or is it? Considering the disciples’ extended post-resurrection
instruction on the nature of the kingdom (Acts 1:3), do you think their question was thick-skulled ( “the kingdom
will not be restored to Israel” ) or just over-zealous ( “slow down guys, one thing at a time” )? Can you recall a
time when you, like Jesus disciples, stepped up to the starting line only to hear, “Ready…Steady…Wait!”?