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EHS: Going Back in order to Go Forwards
Genesis 50:15-21
1. Joseph’s Family: Peter Scazzero recognized that instead of repeating a family history of deception and bitterness, Joseph exhibited this godly, four-fold response: (1) Joseph had a profound sense of the bigness of God – Gen. 45:8; 50:20, (2) Joseph did not ignore his emotions – Gen. 42:24; 50:17, (3) Joseph rewrote the life script handed to him, and (4) Joseph partnered with God to be a blessing. Where do you see this response in the life of Joseph? Which of his above responses stands out to you as something you would like to imitate?
2. Your Family: God placed you in a particular family. This family has probably been the source of many of the greatest blessings in your life, but probably also the source of some emotional baggage as well. How would you describe the family atmosphere you grew up in? Try to use just a word or two (ex: affirming, critical, tense, competitive, distant).
3. Toilet Paper: Peter Scazzero writes of a family’s “10 commandments” – deep, unconscious behaviors or patterns of thinking, like… which way you hang your toilet paper roll in the bathroom! Your family had a way of doing it, therefore, more than likely, you adopted that preference. This concept applies not only to trivial things, but also to much deeper aspects of your being (your definition of success, belief in money as the best source of security, methods of dealing with conflict, performance-based approval, etc). What are your family’s “10 commandments”? And how have they positively or negatively affected your life after leaving the home?
4. Your New Family: When God rescued the Israelites out of Egypt, He expected them to leave Egyptian culture and religion behind. Many did not (Exod. 16:3). Building off question #3, which family “commandments” do you want to keep? Which others might God be calling you to break free of and not take to the next generation?