GG Questions
Fulfilling God’s Dream: What Happens When The Gospel Comes
Acts 8:4-25
- What does the persecution of the church look like at this point and how might the believers be feeling?
- What might be challenges the believers could anticipate as they flee into Judea and Samaria?
- What are important words and themes Luke repeats and emphasizes about Phillip’s ministry in Samaria?
- What do the scattered believers do in the different cities they move into? How is it surprising?
- Who is Simon the sorcerer and what do we learn about him?
- What are Simon’s motivations in coming to faith and asking for the Holy Spirit?
- What do we learn about how God can work when things seem to be going horribly wrong?
- What can we expect when God’s Spirit is at work?
- What are some ways that our sinful hearts can get in the way of the Good News of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit?
- What is an area of your life or community that feels like God’s lost control? How does it shift your perspective to believe that God just might be making a way for you and those around you to experience the good news of Jesus in deeper ways?
- Has God put you in a place that feels uncomfortable? Could he have you there for a strategic reason? Ask him.
- Do you long for more of the Holy’s Spirit’s power in your life? Talk to God about it while you examine your heart and motivations.
What or who represents Samaria for you? Has God opened a door to a community or relationship that feels out of your comfort zone? Is your natural inclination to turn away?
Ask the Lord how he wants you to minister in this place and take one step towards that community/person this week.
Invite your group to pray for you as you take this step.