Growth Group Questions
Fulfilling God’s Dream: Growing Pains
Acts 6:1-15
- What is causing discontentment in the new community and what’s important about the backstory?
- How is the response of the apostles and believers a tangible living out of the gospel?
- Who is appointed to care for the needs of the community and what qualities do they possess?
- Who is coming to faith? Any new categories?
- What motivates these men from the Synagogue of the Freed Slaves to tell lies about Stephen?
- How do the lies press hot buttons?
- What does it look like when Stephen is full of the Holy Spirit?
- How does the gospel influence how the new community responds to inequity and injustice?
- What are two different ways that others looking in at our Christian community may respond when they see the gospel and the Holy Spirit at work within our fellowship as believers?
- How does the community of the accusers look different from the gospel-centered community?
- Who are the discontented groups within our community? What are some of the ways we respond to them that don’t build unity?
- What would it look like for us to respond in a way that is full of the Holy Spirit and grace?
- Does our current atmosphere of lies and falsehood inside and outside the church trouble you? Ask the Lord for the Holy Spirit and wisdom to navigate these troubled waters.
Spend time this week reflecting on what you’ve been waiting for.
Name your feelings around it. In the waiting, are you seeing deeper longings beneath? What are your fears surrounding this longing?
Write a letter to God about it. Allow yourself to have a more honest dialogue with Him then you’ve ever allowed yourself to have before.