Jesus quoted from the Torah often. He learnt it as a boy and carried these words with him. The sacred texts of the Holy book were committed to memory, providing comfort and clarity when he would be tested in various situations.
One-third of the Psalms were psalms of lament, a stark contrast to the proportion of modern worship songs dedicated to these types of conversations with God. It’s no wonder that when faced with his greatest trials, Jesus turned to the psalms of lament to connect with his Heavenly Father.
➼ Let’s take a look at a few incidences where we get a glimpse into the prayer life of Jesus during his greatest moments of distress. He quotes directly from specific lament psalms during these moments.
➼ Read the passages describing Jesus in three of His darkest moments. Then look up the verses in the Psalms underneath the gospel account and identify where Jesus is quoting from a particular Psalm.
Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
Matthew 26:36-46
Psalm 42:4
Psalm 6: 6
Psalm 75:7-8
Psalm: 13:5
Psalm 55:17
Jesus predicting Judas’ Betrayal
John 13:18-26
Psalm 41:9
Jesus on the Cross
Matthew 27:45-50
John 19: 8
Psalm 22:1
Psalm 22:24
Psalm 69:2-21