1)Listen to Podcast
2)GG Questions 08/12/2018
Living Hope: Humble and Resistant 1 Peter 5
1. Close Reading: After praying for God to enlighten your mind, read through 1 Peter 5 a couple times, slowly. Look for these three things: LIGHTBULB – something that shines from the passage, draws your attention; QUESTION MARK – something difficult to understand; ARROW – a personal application. Share the results of your study with your group.
2. Elders (5:1-5): The grace (5:10, 12) that God gives to followers of Jesus living in this hostile world includes servant leaders (5:2-3) leading His church well. Peter wanted to remind the leaders of the church what their leadership should look like. In 5:2, the Elders are charged with “shepherding” or “pastoring” the “flock of God that is among you.” What stands out to you about this charge? Specifically: In what way is a “shepherd” a good metaphor for a church leader? What does it mean to exercise oversight “willingly” and “eagerly” (5:2)?
3. Anxiety + Humility (5:6-7): Peter calls on the Christians to “clothe themselves with humility toward one another.” Literally, this has the idea of “having others see your humility as you live your life,” just like someone sees the clothes that you wear. Would those around you consider your general attitude one of humility? If not, what are some things that need to change as you “clothe yourself in humility”? What does it look like to “cast” our anxieties on God and how does this relate to humility?
4. Resist the Devil (5:8-9): Given the context of the entire letter of 1 Peter (suffering), why do you think Peter turns to talking about Satan and his strategies at the end of this letter? If you were to summarize Peter’s counsel to Christians regarding Satan in 5:8-9, what would you say? And how can you apply his counsel about resisting Satan in your life today?