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Doing Life with Jesus: More Lessons
Luke 9
1. Close Reading : After praying for God to enlighten your mind, skim through Luke 9. Look for these three things:
LIGHTBULB – something that shines from the passage, draws your attention ; QUESTION MARK – something
difficult to understand ; ARROW – a personal application. Share the results of your study with your group.
2. The Twelve Sent to Ask One Question : “Who do you say that I am?” (Luke 9:20). Jesus sent out His twelve
disciples to ask Israel this very question (9:18). It’s important for us to examine both how Israel answered that
question and how the disciples asked it. How did the manner of the disciples’ mission impact their message
(Luke 9:3-5; Matt. 10:8-14)? How did Herod (Luke 9:7-9), the crowds (9:18-19), and Peter (9:20) answer the
above question? How would you answer that question? (use Peter’s response as a starting point)
3. A Bit of Bad News : Jesus went two and a half years through His ministry without mentioning His coming death.
Now, with only a year to live, Jesus teaches His disciples for the first time that He must go to the cross
(9:21-22, 43-45). Place yourself in the disciples’ shoes – how would you respond to this news (Matt.
16:22-23)? Does this help to explain the necessity of the transfiguration, following immediately after this
foretelling? Can you recall a word or moment of encouragement which followed a piece of bad news?
4. Count the Cost : The hits keep coming for the disciples. Now not only is their rabbi headed for the cross, but
they too are told they must, “deny themselves and take up their cross” (Luke 9:23-25). Read the following
passages to journey with the disciples in their growing knowledge of what that meant (Acts 5:40-42; Phil.
1:28-29; 3:8-10; 1 Pet. 2:19-21; 4:13). How is it that those who are forced to count the costs exhibit so much
joy? How can you do the same?