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2) GG Questions
Week 2, November 29, 2017
Exodus 3-4 ” Freed to Serve: Moses on the High Dive”
1) Moses was given promises from God that he had to rely on (3:7-10, 12, 17-22). What are some daily struggles you have, things that discourage you and make you feel weak? How can you, in the midst of those struggles, cling to the promises of God stated in Romans 8:18 and 8:26
2) YHWH (Exod. 3:13-15; 6:2-3) is the proper name / personal name for God (like John or Jason). YHWH means “I AM.” What does this teach us about the character and essence of God – see James 1:17; John 8:58; Psalm 90:2. Why should this be encouraging to Moses? Why should this be encouraging to you?
3) Moses’ fourth objection to God’s call was, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent” (4:10-12). How would you complete this sentence: “Oh, my Lord, I am not _______”? How has this kept you from being fully obedient to God? How should we think about out limitations (2 Cor. 4:7-9; 12:7-10)?
4) Moses thought the people would not listen to him (Exod. 4:1; cf. 2:14). What happened in Exodus 3:29-31? Do you have any testimonies of a similar situation (when you had doubts about whether God would fulfill His promise, but you obeyed anyway)? What was the result?