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2)GG Questions 06/24/2018
Living Hope: Proper Living 1 Peter 2:13-25
1. Close Reading: After praying for God to enlighten your mind, read through 1 Peter 2:13-25 a couple times, slowly. Look for these three things: LIGHTBULB – something that shines from the passage, draws your attention; QUESTION MARK – something difficult to understand; ARROW – a personal application. Share the results of your study with your group.
2. The Emperor (2:13-17): What was the government’s policy toward Christianity in Peter’s day? What about the emperor? And yet Peter writes, “Be subject … to the emperor as supreme” (2:13) and “Honor the emperor” (2:17). What are the implications of this as we try to apply the truth of this passage in today’s highly polarized political climate (cf. Rom. 13:1-7)?
3. Resist (2:13-17): Peter talked the talk (with regard to submitting to the government), but did he walk the walk? The book of Acts records several incidents where Peter directly disobeyed the government (Acts 4:19-20; 5:29). Scan the surrounding context of these passages and see what the circumstances led to Peter’s disobedience then and what principles we can apply now to help us understand when (if ever) it is appropriate to ‘disobey’ the government (cf. Matt. 22:15-22)?
4. Servant/Master (2:18-25): While Paul addresses the servant/master relationship elsewhere (Eph. 6:5-9; Col. 3:22-25), what kind of master is the focus of Peter’s discussion here (1 Pet. 3:18-20)? Many of us have had a bad boss. While it is not a perfect comparison, some similarities can be seen between the master/slave relationship of the first century and the employer/employee, teacher/student relationship of today. What does this passage instruct employees/slaves to do? What does that look like for you in your work environment today?