1)Listen to the Podcast
2)GG Questions
The Call to Loyalty
1. What are some of the many ways in which the salvation story of Israel anticipates the gospel story of Jesus? As a group, discuss and celebrate as many parallels as possible.
2. God calls his people to love him with all their hearts, soul, and might. What does it look like to love the Lord your God in your daily life? Your work? In your family? In your friendships? Why should we love God? What motivates us to love him? Explore together in detail.
3. Discuss how the concepts of (Love: Loyalty) and (Election: Responsibility) are deeply connected in
Deuteronomy and/or elsewhere in the Bible. What are some specific implications for our daily lives?
4. Read the warnings of Hebrews chapter 3 together as a group. Make observations and discuss things that stuck out to you. What specifically are some ways that we can ‘encourage/exhort one another daily’ in the church? In Pacifica?