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2)GG Questions 08/05/2018
Living Hope: Understanding Expectation 1 Peter 4:12-19
1. Close Reading: After praying for God to enlighten your mind, read through 1 Peter 4:12-19 a couple times, slowly. Look for these three things: LIGHTBULB – something that shines from the passage, draws your attention; QUESTION MARK – something difficult to understand; ARROW – a personal application. Share the results of your study with your group.
2. Unsurprising Fiery Trial (4:12-16): In 4:13, instead of being surprised by “fiery trials” Christians are to rejoice. What is the reason that Christians should rejoice when persecuted according to Peter? What is the blessing that comes to Christians who are “insulted for Christ” (4:14)? Have you ever seen this in your own life or in the life of someone you know?
3. Judgment at the Household of God (4:17-18): Each persecution in this life can serve as a reminder that if the world enacts justice as they see fit, certainly God will enact justice as He sees fit. What is the “judgment” that is beginning with the household of God (4:17)? Given the overall context, WHO do you think is executing this judgment on God’s people? How does this present judgment compare with the final judgment that is to come? How does this encourage you to have compassion on those who are persecuting Christians?
4. Entrust your Soul (4:19): Nowhere else in Scripture is God given the title found in 1 Peter 4:19, which can literally be translated, the ‘Faithful Creator’ (or, the God who has created you and will never fail you). Why do you think Peter used those two words, faithful and creator, here? What about this title gives hope to Christians we are being persecuted in Jesus’ name? What does it mean to “entrust one’s soul,” as Jesus did (2:23), to this Faithful Creator? What would this practically look like in your life?