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Saturate: Who are we? Missionaries
Jonah + John 20:21-22
1. Defining “Missionary” : What is your first impression when you think of the word “missionary”? This week is designed to turn one’s typical definition of that word on its head. As followers of Jesus, every one of us is a family member, a servant, and… a missionary . Do you believe this? What ‘ordinary believers’ were used in this way in the OT (2 Kings 5:1-4, 14-17) and NT (Acts 8:1, 4)?
2. Heart of God :As God’s children, we are supposed to imitate our Father. We are missionaries, because He was a missionary first. Look for God’s missionary heart in Psalms 67 and 96 as you skim for the words “the peoples” and “the nations” (or equivalent concepts). How do they demonstrate God’s purposes in the OT extended beyond Israel? What about the NT? How was Jesus a missionary (Luke 19:10) who took the light into dark places (Mark 2:15-17; Luke 7:37-39; 19:7-10)? How should Jesus’ violation of religious norms for the sake of the lost influence our identity and practice as a missionary?
3. Nervous? : Does the thought of sharing your faith and being a missionary make you nervous? If it does, you’re not alone and could use a friendly reminder from our dear brother Lars, “God does not call the equipped; he equips the called.” What does Acts 1:8 teach is the equipping purpose of the Spirit dwelling inside you? How does the fact that you have the Spirit of the missionary God, who loves the lost more than you do and is working in their heart (John 6:44) and speaking through your words (2 Cor. 5:20), embolden your efforts to share your faith in your personal mission field?
4. Get Practical : If you were asked, ‘To whom has God sent you on mission?’ or ‘What is your defined mission field?’ how would you answer? Once you’ve tackled the ‘who’, focus on the ‘how’. Remember, missions happens in the normal, everyday stuff of life (Jer. 29:4-7). Write down some things you can do this week to display and declare the gospel to a few specific people in your community (your mission field).